6 Quart Slow Cooker - The best slow cooker is the one that works flawlessly and offers options that fit your needs and lifestyle. Your Nesco cooker will become a member of the family.
I started paying more attention to slow cookers when it came time to replace old faithful with a 6 quart slow cooker.
There really is only one thing that I want my slow cooker to do well, and that is - cook slowly. I mean, there are other features that I find desirable in my cooker but if it doesn't come through on the big one, all the bells and whistles and flashy colors are just not going to make up for it.
The process turned out not to be as simple as I had expected. But I did find a great cooker!
Finding the best slow cooker has become more of a challenge since there's been a change in how the temperature is delivered. Many cooks who are looking to replace their old crock pots (some as old as 30 years) are finding that a significant change has taken place in the temperature range of the new-fangled slow cookers.
In recent years the low temperature in many a crock pot has been bumped up to a point too high to qualify as a slow cooker. Speculation is that it was due to food safety issues when it took too long for the food to reach 140 degrees (which is the temperature necessary to kill certain pathogens).
If you've done any research at all on slow cookers you'll have read the comments of disappointed cooks who have gone through a number of brands of crock pots and slow cookers in an effort to find that holy grail combination of "right temperature, right size, right configuration, right price".
My favorite slow cooker on the market today is the Nesco 6-Quart Slow Cooker/Roaster Oven. It allows YOU to set the temperature range at anywhere between 125 and 425 degrees F giving you the freedom
to not only cook slowly but to roast, bake and - my favorite - slowly simmer delectable soups.
It has a "big brother" too, the 18 quart version is the one our friend Russell uses for his famous rib feasts... yum.
Also, I love the snazzy red color of this cooker that updates the look of my kitchen and is a real stand-out at pot lucks. Although I loved my old Rival, its onion pattern and harvest gold color was um... outdated... by about 25 years. It just worked so well that I couldn't justify replacing it. (It still works but the cord gets quite hot now).
Never slow cook at temperatures under 140F, Food must reach this temperature in order to kill certain bacteria.